Arthur Battram's excellent Navigating Complexity has this little gem from Sheila Harri-Augustin:
I can relate to this aspect of learning - a far cry from the received wisdom of learning as a process of filling memory with data and algorithms.
Learning operates on the edge of chaos, somewhere between a stable system of order and an unstable system of disorder!It is here that personal meaning...gets constructed. At the two extremes of behaviour of all systems, order and chaos pervades. Between these two extremes, at the edge of chaos, one finds complexity!So the edge of chaos is where the action is - take the original sense of chaos as chasm and we get a sense of standing on the edge of an abyss - comfort zone, perhaps, in the vernacular.
I can relate to this aspect of learning - a far cry from the received wisdom of learning as a process of filling memory with data and algorithms.